30th August 2011, New Delhi saw the inaugural of "Love is a four letter word". This unique show on the notion of love is a month-long exhibition ending 30th Sept 2011. This echibition is being helf at Delhi's art gallery, Latitude 28 which is showcasing new works of South Asian region;s 5 artists Manjunath Kamath, Chintan Upadhyay, Chittrovanu Mazumdar, Bose Krishnamachari of India and Sana Arjumand of Pakistan.
The Pakistani artist Sana Arjumand with her mixed media canvases explored the set up of society, social responsibility, confusion of identity, role of religions versus culture and the constant dilema of being a 'young, modern Pakistani female'.
However, the other 4 Indian artists created works based on their historical and culture backgrounds.